Shredding Blog

Piles of documents on a desk

An Unorganized Office Could Leave Your Business Susceptible to Information Theft

The protection of Confidential records is critical while in your possession and until disposal. General awareness regarding information theft and fraud is consistently increasing but acts of crime related to both issues continue to take place throughout New Jersey and the rest of the U.S.

How can your company limit the risks related to these occurrences?

To start, it’s crucial that you keep your work environment as organized and clean as possible. In doing so you will ensure daily procedures continue in a smooth manner, and that your employees are staying productive without unnecessary distractions in their way. In particular, an orderly office helps your company stay in compliance with strict privacy legislation in relation to document management. On the other hand if your office environment looks like a bomb exploded, you may have some significant security risks to sort out; in fact, a business that screams chaos could lead to unwanted security breach, which of course is something no business wants to deal with.

How can you ensure your work environment remains protected from the threat of a data breach? There are several options your New Jersey business can think about to accomplish this; primarily you’ll want to be sure all stored records are safe from exposure, and that any records that no longer require storage are disposed of in a professional and secure manner. Hiring a reputable and experienced document shredding company to shred your old documents is by far the most dependable solution for information security.

Of course there are additional ways in which you can limit security risks in your office.

Let’s take a look at some common security risks you should be aware of and the appropriate ways in which you can stop such happenings.

Garbage Bins Next to Printing Area

If trash bins are set up next to printers, there is a strong likelihood that they will be used for more than just garbage disposal. Sensitive information that is printed in error or simply left at the printer by mistake, will typically wind up in the garbage out of sheer convenience. This “lazy toss” however, unfortunately can lead to security problems because any record in that trash bin could now be exposed unknowingly. These bins are unsecured which means if the wrong individual gains access, they could have enough juicy information to conduct a crime; specifically, information theft.

Answer:  Documents containing confidential matters and don’t require secure storage, should be placed in lockable bins prior to secure shredding. Using these collection bins will keep your documents secured and untouched before they are collected to be shred. Keep your company, employees, and customers safe through the use of lockable bins.

Incorrect Use of Recycling Bins

Like garbage bins, recycling bins that collect old documents flooded with sensitive details can leave your company extremely vulnerable to theft and/or breach. Interestingly enough, several business owners in response to this reality are eliminating office-sized recycling bins from their workplace entirely. Dumpster divers will sort through recycling and garbage bins in attempt to find sensitive data they can use to their advantage.

Answer: Always separate recyclables from paper document; paper documents should be thoroughly shred via professional destruction services.  A shred-all policy is effective in maintaining overall security and eliminates questioning whether or not a record is deemed sensitive. It’s easy to follow and it works.

Open Access to Collection Containers

The key(s) for your collection bins should always be stored in a secure room/area, always. If a key happens to be left out in the open, technically anyone within your organization could retrieve whatever it is inside your bin.  Nobody wants to consider the idea of internal theft but it can happen periodically.

Answer:  Keep the key away in a storage room or cabinet and limit general access; only management should have the authority to obtain any keys for your collection bins. For service and security you can rely on, we recommend hiring a document destruction company such as Security Shredding in New Jersey who will provide your company with quality, lockable consoles that you may situate where necessary in your office.  Our experienced and trained team will then collect, remove, and securely shred all documents through the use of our mobile shred truck, at a predetermined service date. Partnering with an outside source is the only method of document destruction that guarantees your business will stay entirely secure and compliant.

Protecting your business is easy with some simple steps in place.  Contact Security Shredding in New Jersey to speak to our professionals regarding our document destruction services and how we can assist you.  You’ll immediately realize why so many companies rely on our solutions to help them save money and time, while also contributing to increased security measures.

Call us at 877-407-4733

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