Shredding Blog

Person wearing a green recycling shirt

Sustainability Is Important. Is Your Workplace Doing Its Part?

Sustainability has become a central issue for many people over the past few decades. Sadly, day to day office activities can have a significant environmental impact that many people don’t even think about. Understandably, it is also difficult to move away from existing practices to adopt more sustainable ones. Luckily there are some easy things that your workplace can do to become more sustainable starting with the three R’s.


In many workplaces a significant outlet of reduction that can be made is that of paper. Switching to a network archive system instead of filing cabinets can not only have a greener impact, it can also make information more accessible and easier to locate. Try to use email in place of paper letters, printed promotions or day to day notes.


Switching to washable cups and mugs in place of paper and plastic cups can help reduce the amount of paper and plastic in the waste bin. Before throwing out file folders, consider if they can be reused by placing a new label over any existing labels. Lastly, when shopping for office supplies, try to find supplies made from recycled or reused materials.


Place recycling bins in and around your workplace, and make the rules clear as to what can and cannot go in the bin. Be sure that the bins are placed in locations where they will be used!

Go Even Further

Following the simple three R’s can go a long way to making your workplace more sustainable in and of itself. But there are other things you can do to make an even greater impact, while also lowering costs and potentially improving operations;

Digital Conferencing

If your workplace holds many meetings, it may be worth looking into a digital conferencing setup. Digital conferencing allows for meetings to be held from almost anywhere. This can significantly reduce the amount of travel expenses for those involved in the meeting, and the consequential emissions that go with travel. Look into teleconferencing, web-streaming and other digital conferencing tools to see the possibilities that can elevate your meetings and make them more sustainable in the process.


What sort of lighting is in your workplace? LED light bulbs may be more expensive up front, but they use a fraction of the amount of energy compared to incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, and they generally last much longer as well. If changing to LEDs is not practical for your workplace, pay attention to the amount of lighting that is being used, and make sure your office lights get turned off once everyone has left for the day. This will not only save energy, but also money from your energy bill!

Think Green

The main idea behind making a more sustainable office is to think green. Anything that increases the use of recycled or reused products and minimizes travelling can have a significant and positive impact on office sustainability. Talk to your suppliers and service providers to see if they offer green products and services.

Security Shredding NJ is proud to offer highly secure and sustainable document shredding services for clients across New Jersey. Whether looking for services on or off-site, our team of document shredding professionals can help your business fulfill its needs while maintaining high security and sustainability standards.

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