Shredding Blog

A stack of paper beside a shred bin

Why Use A Shred Bin?

Looking at the mountain of papers currently leering over you as you sit at your desk, a thought runs through your mind, perhaps not for the first time: I need a better place for those… Sipping thoughtfully of your morning beverage you turn back to whatever it was you were doing and dutifully forget about the previous thought. The papers, ever-present, continue to lurk over you, waiting for their chance.

You know that eventually, you’ll get the menacing papers destroyed using a proper paper shredding service, so why worry about it now? There are obvious organizational benefits of not having papers scattered around your workplace. Another point is the improvement of security for your sensitive information. And, there is the ease of use they provide which can streamline your process without weighing down your workload.

The Reasons To Use A Shred Bin


Clearly leaving everything wherever you happen to put it down is an unsustainable practice. You need to have room to live and work while not having it stolen by papers. By using a shed bin, you have one, or sometimes more, locations in which all material destined for the shredder to be gathered. This naturally makes the shredding process itself easier, as you won’t have to run around in a huff to gather documents that need shredding when it is time to shred.


The proper handling of sensitive information demands that it be kept in a secure manner. There are serious legal obligations for anyone doing this due to the seriousness of information and identity theft. The shred bin will help you to achieve this responsibility. They are locked containers that prevent retrieval of documents until the authorized shredder arrives. A letter slot prevents someone from reaching in to grab a handful of documents.


The bins make document management easier simply with how easy they are to use. Implementing them fresh into a work environment can be done without disruption, as they are designed to stay out of the way. Their use is extremely easy as well, as the aforementioned letter slot couldn’t be simpler. This makes training new employees a breeze.

Bring Forth The Bins

Shred bins play an important role in the document management process, and using them is not just a recommendation, but a must. Getting bins is not difficult; you just have to contact a service provider with your needs.

It’s as easy as that.

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