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Is Your Company Practicing Sustainability? Here’s How You Can

Proper sustainable practices are an important part of modern society for businesses and individuals. Companies specifically have a big responsibility towards implementing sustainable practices due to their footprint in the world. Many have resisted the push due to the cost of switching over. As time goes on this cost naturally goes down, making it easier for companies of all sizes to get on board.

However, there are some ways to help support the efforts now if the cost is still an issue for you. Implementing some good sustainable practices to cut down on your current impact does help, and they are naturally better than doing nothing. We have a few suggestions on what you can do towards some sustainable practices.

A Few Suggestions

Cut Back on Meeting Costs: When possible, we suggest making a phone call instead of holding a physical meeting, sending an email instead of a posting, and arranging virtual meetings to diminish the costs related to business trips.

Reduce Physical Materials: Archive computer records instead of printing them, advertise on your website and through social media outlets rather than through printed flyers or brochures. Lastly, email any promotional information instead of printing it off and posting it.

Reuse: If and when able, consider reusing old envelopes, ask your staff to use their own coffee mugs, have printer cartridges refilled rather than replaced altogether, and select purchasing recycled stationery supplies instead of brand new ones.

Recycle: Choose to recycle anything and everything you aren’t using. Be sure your office has sufficient recycling bins in areas where your employees will use them.

Shut it Off: This may seem obvious, but far too many of us continue to forget to turn off lights, computers, printers, and appliances when they aren’t being used. Every little bit helps in the long-run when it comes to lowering your bills and energy costs.

Outsource: Think about using cloud computing solutions to reduce your server requirements and power costs.

Reduce: Keep your air conditioner down as much as possible, as these can contribute to extremely high bills. In fact, reducing the temperature by even one degree on a warm day can reduce your energy costs by 10 percent. Lower your energy consumption even further by installing automatic lighting sensors, and driving hybrid cars for your fleet vehicles.

Think Green: Achieve respected green credentials by designing a sustainable supply policy with specific guidelines, and get in touch with your current suppliers to see what sustainable products and services they are currently providing. Ask printers for recycled paper, and consider swapping out your outdated equipment with high-energy efficiency models that are built to last for years.

Finally, take a good look at your financial records. Pinpoint where you are spending money needlessly, and if stationery and paper supplies are costing more than they should be, set up a task force to lower your paper waste. If traveling costs for staff are on the rise, research whether video conferencing is a potential solution.

When you emphasize and focus on your sustainability efforts, you will save money and your business will be more attractive to customers who prefer to work with other sustainable companies for the purchase of their goods or services.

Get in touch with Security Shredding in New Jersey and learn about our sustainable document shredding services. We can make a difference together.

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